The title is the best I can do for Sakalava to English word choice – limited words!
Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving and have plans for a fabulous holiday season! Before taking y’all through Erin’s very eventful past 2+ weeks, I know Erin would first want to wish each of y’all a very healthy, happy new year!
Now, let’s go back to the Monday before Thanksgiving…
Erin got sick…REALLY, REALLY sick and had to be taken to Antananarivo (Tana, the capital). We still don’t know what she had…we do know that she was very, very dehydrated. Finally, by Thursday (Thanksgiving) she was re-hydrated, but the doctors would not allow her to leave Antananarivo, so she could not join her PCT group at the PC Thanksgiving celebration. Erin was disappointed and then…WOW! The head of PC Madagascar had some of Erin’s clean clothes delivered to her, she was cleaned up and she went to the Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy's home Thanksgiving. She said it was amazing! She learned so much – some of the information was disheartening. There are no factories in northern Madagascar which would provide jobs and help tremendously in this greatly impoverished area. One reason for this is to perpetuate the situation since this area of the country isn’t supportive of the current government. Can you imagine – lack of integrity in the government!?! Thanksgiving was a very unique and enjoyable experience for her! By Friday, the doctors decided that Erin was well enough to return to her host family. Erin was very pleased…her time with them would be ending soon.
The next week, Erin and the other PCT’s left their host families to go to Antananarivo for the last of their training. I think I had mentioned in earlier blogs that Erin had some serious concerns about her site placement. Safety and security are HUGE issues and the PC Security man agreed. The village had not built Erin’s house although they said they had done so…this is of great importance since it indicates the village is committed to having the volunteer - and the volunteer needs a place to live. (Saying that they had done do when they hadn’t is a big concern, too!) The PC wanted Erin to go to the site-the house was finally built- and try to open the new site. Erin was uncomfortable with this for several reasons. Her safety was her first concern. She was also uncomfortable with the idea of “trying” the site since commitment to the site is very important. To make a long story, actually a very long night, short…last Thursday afternoon through Friday morning…Erin’s returning home was a possibility. If Erin were given the ultimatum to go to the site or to come home – as heartbreaking as it would have been, Erin would have come home. (That’s how very seriously endangered Erin was!) Happily, Erin is going to another site. They, too, have not had a healthcare communicator. This site is also in challenging northern Madagascar. Most importantly, Erin feels safe in this village. The village has an environmental PCV – also named Erin. (I think her name is Erin Cross.) Our Erin is SO HAPPY!!!
This morning, I heard from Erin after her swearing in. She said the ceremony was incredible! She sounded as thrilled as she had been after her walk down the Lawn. She is enjoying her last evening with the other PCV’s (no longer PCT’s…officially volunteers, not trainees!), She’s also enjoying running water and electricity…as of 6:00 AM tomorrow morning – she’s off to Sakaramy where there is no running water, no electricity…back to poverty-life. And she will enjoy her two years of service helping her people to be healthier.
Y’all, please write Erin…including CD’s and small surprises is great, too! During her 10 weeks of training, she was with the other PCT’s…now she is quite isolated, so hearing from y’all is even more imperative. Remember, y’all are a tremendous source of inspiration, encouragement, strength and love!
There are several funny stories that I have not included out of respect for y’all’s time during this busy, busy time of year. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions/concerns/etc. (See previous blogs for my contact information if needed.)
Before I conclude, I want to take a moment to thank y’all for being here for Erin. Every time we speak, she first mentions y’all – missing y’all, appreciating y’all for the letters she’s received (and e-mails I’ve received – copied and mailed to her), talking to y’all, occasionally….THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I do my best to reply to y’all, leave messages of thanks…and for anyone I’ve missed, I apologize. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU…from the bottom of my heart!!! I, too, wish y'all a new year filled with much happiness and good health!