Friday, September 28, 2007

Atokisana fahatongavana (Safe arrival)

Hey y'all! Erin has arrived safely in Madagascar. HOORAY! Erin greatly appreciates all the wonderful e-mails and conversations she's had with each of you! Each of you has contributed to helping Erin have the desire, strength and confidence to take this journey. Thank you!

She and the other 18 PCV's (Peace Corps Volunteers) enjoyed staying at the "transit" house, a lovely place for the PCV's to stay the night. The gardens are beautiful and the US Embassy is nearby. It is freezing according to Erin. (Please don't worry, she has a warm fleece pullover, a pair of leggings and a sunny disposition.) All the staff and volunteers who are training Erin and group are "wonderful"! They had just finished their interviews when she called (2:42 A.M. our time/10:42 A.M. Malagasy time). After lunch, they are meeting their host families. Each PCV will spend the weekend with the host family and no others. This begins the "crash" course in learning Malagasy. Erin will point to something and a host family member will say the Malagasy word...let the learning begin! Classes will start on Monday Erin said that she's really feeling good about everything and she sounded great! Erin also mentioned, as the Peace Corps had written to the PCV's family, that she will not have telephone or internet access for at least the next 10 weeks.

Erin asked that everyone write her, please. When you do write, please include your return address inside the letter, too, because the envelope may not be easy to read when/if she receives her mail. Also, please write the date on your letter because there's no telling when she'll get it...they said 4 weeks to never.

On a personal note, I ask y'all to please remember Erin in your thoughts and prayers -keeping Erin healthy, happy, well and strong - mentally, physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. Thank you!

Please feel free to contact me any time: (770) 403-2141 or
If Erin has phone access and no internet access, I'll update her blog for her so I can share what she says with y'all. Since we won't be hearing from her for at least 10 weeks, please keep those letters coming to her - we are her only link to home and I know she misses everyone.

I sure hope I'm writing this blog again sooner than later!!! Y'all take care!

Erin's Mom